Individual and Relationship Therapy • Telehealth Appointments • Serving UT, OH, and KY
(385) 469-6273
Emergency and Crisis Resources
The following is a curated list of emergency resources who seek to offer help to people in specific situations.
National Suicide Hotline: Available 24/7/365: 988
Blackline: Peer support and counseling prioritizing BIPOC, with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. "We do not trace or send any type of intervention under any circumstances without consent". Call (800) 604-5841
Trevor Hotline: For LGBTQ+ youth in crisis. Call (866) 488-7386 or text "START" to 678678
Thrive Lifeline: Trans folk-led and operated, focusing on intersecting marginalized identities. "Does not engage in non-consensual active rescue". 24/7 text at: (313) 662-8209
SafeUT Crisis Chat and Tip Line: "A Utah service that provides real-time, emotional support and crisis prevention 24/7/365 to students, parents, and educators. You can chat with a licensed professional for support or submit a confidential tip by calling (833) 372-3388
Trans Lifeline: Trans peer support group for the Trans community that is completely removed from the police. Call (877) 565-8860
Lines for Life: For people in crisis for suicide and substance use. Offers specialized support for: military & family, senior loneliness, teen-to-teen crisis help, and racial equity support. Call (800) 273-8255
Utah Warmline: A free service available from 8am-11pm every day to provide "a listening ear for callers as they heal and recover from personal struggles". If I am unavailable and you are not in crisis, but would benefit from having someone to talk to, contact them at (801) 587-1055.
Wildflower Alliance Peer Support Line: Another Warmline answered by trained peers. "We do not trace or send any type of intervention under any circumstances without consent". Call (888) 407-4515
National Depression Hotline: Open 24/7, free, and is a hotline for people struggling with depression and PTSD to connect you with more crisis and emergency services than I can provide. Please reach out to them by calling (866) 629-4564
We hope these resources help you in your time of need.